Senin, 08 Maret 2010

Renungkanlah wahai generasi penerus bangsa.

*Pidato Anak Usia 12 Tahun Bikin forum PBB Terdiam *


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Cerita ini berbicara mengenai seorang anak yg bernama Severn Suzuki

seorang anak yg pada usia 9 tahun telah mendirikan Enviromental

Children's Organization ( ECO ).


ECO sendiri adalah Sebuah kelompok kecil anak" yg mendedikasikan diri

Untuk belajar dan mengajarkan pada anak" lain mengenai masalah" lingkungan.


Dan mereka pun diundang menghadiri Konfrensi Lingkungan hidup PBB,

dimana pada saat itu Seveern yg berusia 12 Tahun memberikan sebuah

pidato kuat yg memberikan pengaruh besar ( dan membungkam ) beberapa

pemimpin dunia terkemuka.


Apa yg disampaikan oleh seorang anak kecil ber-usia 12 tahun hingga bisa

membuat RUANG SIDANG PBB hening, lalu saat pidatonya selesai ruang

sidang penuh dengan orang" terkemuka yg berdiri dan memberikan Tepuk

Tangan yg meriah kepada anak berusia 12 tahun.


Inilah Isi pidato tersebut: (sumber The Collage Foundation) *


Halo, nama Saya Severn Suzuki, berbicara mewakili E.C.O - Enviromental

Children Organization


Kami Adalah Kelompok dari kanada yg terdiri dari anak" berusia 12 dan 13

tahun. Yang mencoba membuat Perbedaan: Vanessa Suttie, Morga, Geister,

Michelle Quiq dan saya sendiri. Kami menggalang dana untuk bisa datang

kesini sejauh 6000 mil. Untuk memberitahukan pada anda sekalian orang

dewasa bahwa anda harus mengubah cara anda, Hari ini Disini juga. Saya

tidak memiliki agenda tersembunyi. Saya menginginkan masa depan bagi

diri saya saja.


Kehilangan masa depan tidaklah sama seperti kalah dalam pemilihan umum

atau rugi dalam pasar saham. Saya berada disini untuk berbicara bagi

semua generasi yg akan datang.


Saya berada disini mewakili anak" yg kelaparan di seluruh dunia yang

tangisannya tidak lagi terdengar.


Saya berada disini untuk berbicara bagi binatang" yang sekarat yang

tidak terhitung jumlahnya diseluruh planet ini karena kehilangan habitat

nya. kami tidak boleh tidak di dengar.


Saya merasa takut untuk berada dibawah sinar matahari karena berlubang

nya lapisan OZON. Saya merasa takut untuk bernafas karena saya tidak

tahu ada bahan kimia apa yg dibawa oleh udara.


Saya sering memancing di Vancouver bersama ayah saya hingga beberapa

tahun yang lalu kami menemukan bahwa ikan"nya penuh dengan kanker. Dan

sekarang kami mendengar bahwa binatang" dan tumbuhan satu persatu

mengalami kepunahan tiap harinya - hilang selamanya.


Dalam hidup saya, saya memiliki mimpi untuk melihat kumpulan besar

binatang" liar, hutan rimba dan hutan tropis yang penuh dengan burung

dan kupu". tetapi sekarang saya tidak tahu apakah hal" tersebut bahkan

masih ada untuk dilihat oleh anak saya nantinya.


Apakah anda sekalian harus khawatir terhadap masalah" kecil ini ketika

anda sekalian masih berusia sama seperti saya sekarang?


Semua ini terjadi di hadapan kita dan walaupun begitu kita masih tetap

bersikap bagaikan kita masih memiliki banyak waktu dan semua pemecahan

nya. Saya hanyalah seorang anak kecil dan saya tidak memiliki semua

pemecahan nya tetapi saya ingin anda sekalian menyadari bahwa anda

sekalian juga sama seperti saya!


Anda tidak tahu bagaimana caranya memperbaiki lubang pada lapisan ozon


Anda tidak tahu bagaiman cara mengembalikan ikan-ikan salmon ke sungai


Anda tidak tahu bagaimana caranya mengembalikan binatang-binatang yang

telah punah.


Dan anda tidak dapat mengembalikan Hutan-Hutan seperti sediakala di

tempatnya yang sekarang hanya berupa padang pasir...

Jika anda tidak tahu bagaima cara memperbaikinya.



Disini anda adalah deligasi negara-negara anda. Pengusaha, Anggota

perhimpunan, wartawan atau politisi - tetapi sebenernya anda adalah ayah

dan ibu, saudara laki" dan saudara perempuan, paman dan bibi - dan anda

semua adalah anak dari seseorang.


Saya hanyalah seorang anak kecil, namun saya tahu bahwa kita semua

adalah bagian dari sebuah keluarga besar, yang beranggotakan lebih dari

5 milyar, terdiri dari 30 juta rumpun dan kita semua berbagi udara, air

dan tanah di planet yang sama - perbatasan dan pemerintahan tidak akan

mengubah hal tersebut.


Saya Hanyalah seorang anak kecil namun begitu saya tahu bahwa kita semua

menghadapi permasalahan yang sama dan kita seharusnya bersatu untuk

tujuan yang sama.


Walaupun marah, namun saya tidak buta, dan walaupun takut, saya tidak

ragu untuk memberitahukan dunia apa yang saya rasakan.


Di Negara saya, kami sangat banyak melakukan penyia-nyiaan, kami membeli

sesuatu dan kemudian membuang nya, beli dan kemudian buang. walaupun

begitu tetap saja negara" di utara tidak akan berbagi dengan mereka yang


Bahkan ketika kita memiliki lebih dari cukup, kita merasa takut untuk

kehilangan sebagian kekayaan kita, kita takut untuk berbagi.


Di Kanada kami memiliki kehidupan yang nyaman, dengan sandang, pangan

dan papan yang berkecukupan - kami memiliki jam tangan, sepeda, komputer

dan perlengkapan televisi.


Dua hari yang lalu di Brazil sini, kami terkejut ketika kami

menghabiskan waktu dengan anak" yang hidup di jalanan. Dan salah satu

anak tersebut memberitahukan kepada kami: " Aku berharap aku kaya , dan

jika Aku kaya, Aku akan memberikan anak" jalanan makanan, pakaian dan

obat-obatan, tempat tinggal . dan Cinta dan Kasih sayang " ..


Jika seorang anak yang berada dijalanan yang tidak memiliki apapun,

bersedia untuk berbagi, mengapa kita yang memiliki segalanya masih

begitu serakah?


Saya tidak dapat berhenti memikirkan bahwa anak" tersebut berusia sama

dengan saya , bahwa tempat kelahiran anda dapat membuat perbedaan yang

begitu besar. bahwa saya bisa saja menjadi salah satu dari anak" yang

hidup di Favellas di Rio; saya bisa saja menjadi anak yang kelaparan di

Somalia ; seorang korban perang timur tengah atau pengemis di India ..


Saya hanyalah Seorang anak kecil namun saya tahu bahwa jika semua Uang

yang dihabiskan untuk perang dipakai untuk mengurangi tingkat

kemisikinan dan menemukan jawaban terhadap permasalahan alam, betapa

indah jadinya dunia ini.


Di sekolah, bahkan di taman kanak-kanak anda mengajarkan kami untuk

berbuat baik. Anda mengajarkan pada kami untuk tidak berkelahi dengan

orang lain.

Mencari jalan keluar, membereskan kekacauan yang kita timbulkan.

Tidak menyakiti makhluk hidup lain, Berbagi dan tidak tamak..


Lalu mengapa anda kemudian melakukan hal yang anda ajarkan pada kami

supaya tidak boleh dilakukan tersebut?


Jangan lupakan mengapa anda menghadiri Konfrensi ini. mengapa anda

melakukan hal ini - kami adalah anak" anda semua , Anda sekalianlah yang

memutuskan dunia seperti apa yang akan kami tinggali. Orang tua seharus

nya dapat memberikan kenyamanan pada anak" mereka dengan mengatakan "

Semuanya akan baik-baik saja ". 'kami melakukan yang terbaik yang dapat

kami lakukan' dan ' ini bukanlah akhir dari segalanya'


Tetapi saya tidak merasa bahwa anda dapat mengatakan hal tersebut kepada

kami lagi. Apakah kami bahkan ada dalam daftar prioritas anda semua?

Ayah saya selalu berkata ' kamu akan selalu dikenang karena perbuatan mu

bukan oleh kata" mu '


Jadi, apa yang anda lakukan membuat saya menangis pada malam hari.

kalian orang dewasa berkata bahwa kalian menyayangi kami.


Saya menantang A N D A , cobalah untuk mewujudkan kata" tersebut.


Sekian dan terima kasih atas perhatian nya. *


Servern Cullis-Suzuki telah membungkam 1 ruang sidang Konfrensi PBB,

membungkam seluruh Orang" penting dari seluruh dunia hanya dengan

pidatonya, setelah pidato nya selesai serempak seluruh Orang yang hadir

diruang pidato tersebut berdiri dan memberikan tepuk tangan yang meriah

kepada anak berusia 12 tahun.


dan setelah itu ketua PBB mengatakan dalam pidato nya..


" Hari ini Saya merasa sangatlah Malu terhadap Diri saya sendiri karena

saya baru saja disadarkan betapa pentingnya lingkungan dan isinya

disekitar kita oleh Anak yang hanya berusia 12 tahun yang maju berdiri

di mimbar ini tanpa selembar pun Naskah untuk berpidato, sedang kan saya

maju membawa berlembar naskah yang telah dibuat oleh assisten saya

kemarin? Saya ... tidak kita semua dikalahkan oleh anak yang berusia 12

tahun "


Cerita ini benar" terjadi dan pidato severn Cullis-Suzuki itu benar"

pidato yang dikatakan nya dalam pidato tersebut tanpa dilebih" kan .


Apa yang anda dapat dari cerita tersebut?


* *Tolong sebarkan e-mail ini ke semua orang yang anda kenal, bukan

untuk mendapatkan nasib baik atau kesialan kalau tidak mengirimkan, tapi

mari kita bersama-sama membuka mata semua orang di dunia bahwa bumi

sekarang sedang dalam keadaan sekarat dan kita-lah manusia yang

membuatnya seperti ini yang harus bertindak untuk mencegah kehancuran

dunia. *

Senin, 28 Desember 2009




 Carbon tetrachloride is a colorless and inflammable liquid that can be produced by combining carbon disulfide and chlorine. This compound is widely used in industry today because of its effectiveness as a solvent as well as its use in the production of propellants.
 Despite its widespread use in industry, carbon tetrachloride has been banned for home use. In the past, carbon tetrachloride was a common ingredient in cleaning compounds that were used throughout the home, but it was found to be dangerous: when heated, it changes into a poisonous gas that can cause severe illness and even death if it is inhaled. Because of this dangerous characteristic, the United States revoked permission for the home use of carbon tetrachloride in 1970. The United States has taken similar action with various other chemical compounds.

1. The main point of this passage is that

A. carbon tetrachloride can be very dangerous when it is heated
B. the government banned carbon tetrachloride in 1970
C. although carbon tetrachloride can legally be used in industry, it is not allowed in home products.
D. carbon tetrachloride used to be a regular part of cleaning compounds

Answer: C. (although carbon tetrachloride can legally be used in industry, it is not allowed in home products).

2. The word “widely” in line 2 could most easily be replaced by

A. grandly
B. extensively
C. largely
D. hugely

Answer: B. (extensively)

3. The word “banned” in line 4 is closest in meaning to

A. forbidden
B. allowed
C. suggested
D. instituted

Answer: A. (forbidden)

4. According to the passage, before 1970 carbon tetrachloride was

A. used by itself as a cleanser
B. banned in industrial use
C. often used as a component of cleaning products
D. not allowed in home cleaning products

Answer: D. (not allowed in home cleaning products)

5. It is stated in the passage that when carbon tetrachloride is heated, it becomes

A. harmful
B. colorless
C. a cleaning compound
D. inflammable

Answer: A. (harmful)

6. The word “inhaled” in line 7 is closest in meaning to

A. warmed
B. breathed in
C. carelessly used
D. blown

Answer: B. (breathed in)

7. The word “revoked” in line 8 could most easily be replaced by

A. gave
B. granted
C. instituted
D. took away

Answer: D. (took away)

8. It can be inferred from the passage that one role of the U.S. government is to

A. regulate product safety
B. prohibit any use of carbon tetrachloride
C. instruct industry on cleaning methodologies
D. ban the use of any chemicals

Answer: A. (regulate product safety)

Questions 9 – 16

 The next artist in this survey of American artist is James Whistler; he is include in this survey of American artist because he was born in the United States, although the majority of his artwork was completed in Europe. Whistler was born in Massachusetts in 1834, but nine years later his father moved the family to St. Petersburg, Russia, to work on the construction of a railroad. The family returned to the United States in 1849. Two years later Whistler entered the U.S. military academy at West Point, but he was unable to graduate. At the age of twenty-one Whistler went to Europe to study art despite familial objections, and he remained in Europe until his death.
 Whistler worked in various art forms, including etchings and lithographs. However, he is most famous for his paintings, particularly Arrangement in Gray and Black No. 1: Portrait of the Artist’s Mother or Whistler’s Mother, as it is more commonly known. This painting shows a side view of Whistler’s mother, dressed I black and posing against a gray wall. The asymmetrical nature of the portrait, with his mother seated off-center, is highly characteristic of Whistler’s work.

9. The paragraph preceding this passage most likely discusses

A. a survey of eighteenth-century art
B. a different American artist
C. Whistler’s other famous paintings
D. European artists

Answer: B. (a different American Artist)

10. Which of the following best describes the information in the passage?

A. Several artists are presented
B. One artist’s life and works are described
C. Various paintings are contrasted
D. Whistler’s family life is outlined.

Answer: B. (one artist’s other famous painting)

11. Whistler is considered an American artist because

A. he was born in America
B. he spent most of his life in America
C. he served in the U.S. military
D. he created most of his famous art in America

Answer: A. (he was born in America)

12. The world “majority” in line 2 is closest in meaning to

A. seniority
B. maturity
C. large pices
D. high percentage

Answer: D. (high percentage)

13. It is implied in the passage that Whistler’s family was

A. unable to find any work at all in Rusia
B. highly supportive of his desire to pursue art
C. working class
D. military

Answer: C. (working class)

14. The word “objections” in line 7 is closest in meaning to

A. protests
B. goals
C. agreements
D. .battles

Answer: A. (protest)

15. In line 8, the “etchings” are

A. a type of painting
B. the same as a lithograph
C. an art form introduced by Whistler
D. an art form involving engraving

Answer: D. (an art from involving engraving)

16. The word “asymmetrical” in line 11 is closest in meaning to

A. proportionate
B. uneven
C. balanced
D. lyrical

Answer: B. (uneven)

Questions 17 – 23

 The locations of stars in the sky relative to one another, do not appear to the naked eye to change, and as a result stars are often considered to be fixed in position. Many unaware stargazers falsely assume that each star has its own permanent home in the nighttime sky.
 In reality, though, stars are always moving, but because of the tremendous distances between stars themselves and from stars to Earth, the changes are barely perceptible here. An example of a rather fast-moving star demonstrate why this misconception prevails; it takes approximately 200 years for a relatively rapid star like Bernard’s star to move a distance in the skies equal to the diameter of the earth’s moon. When the apparently negligible movement of the stars is contrasted with the movement of the planets, the stars are seemingly unmoving.

17. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

A. What the Eye Can See in the Sky
B. Bernard’s Star
C. Planetary Movement
D. The Ever moving Stars

Answer: D. (The Evermoving Stars)

18. The expression “naked eye” in line 1 most probably refers to

A. .a telescope
B. a scientific method for observing stars
C. unassisted vision
D. a camera with a powerful lens

Answer: C. (unassisted vision)

19. According to the passage, the distance between the stars and Earth are

A. barely perceptible
B. huge
C. fixed
D. moderate

Answer: A. (barely perceptible)

20. The word “perceptible” in line 5 is closest in meaning to which of the following

A. Noticeble
B. Persuasive
C. Conceivable
D. Astonishing

Answer: A. (Noticeble)

21. In line 6, a “misconception” is closest in meaning to a(n)

A. idea
B. proven fact
C. erroneous belief
D. theory

Answer: C. (erroneous belief )

22. The passage states that in 200 years Bernard’s star can move

A. around Earth’s moon
B. next to Earth’s moon
C. a distance equal to the distance from Earth to the Moon
D. a distance seemingly equal to the diameter of the Moon

Answer: d. (a distance seemingly equal to the diameter of the Moon)

23. The passage implies that from Earth it appears that the planets

A. are fixed in the sky
B. move more slowly than the stars
C. show approximately the same amount of movement as the stars
D. travel through the sky considerably more rapidly than the stars.

Answer: D. (travel through the sky considerably more rapidly than the stars) 

General English (5)



Page 56-57

Question for comprehension

1. All company, large and small, need money to operate. To make money, they must firs spend money.
2. Inventory and supplies must be bought, equipment and facilities acquired, employees paid. Revenues from sales of the firm’s product should be the chief source of funding.
3. Is the art and science of managing a firm’s money so it can meet the goals
4. They are the ones decide how the available funds 
5. Closely related to accounting
6. To collect and present financial data
7. Financial statement prepared by accountants
8. The ones who keep track of how money is flowing into and out of the firm
9. Staff coordinate information from, such areas as making and production to develop and carry out financial strategies.
10. The accounting development or one or two people
11. Financial managers focus on cash flow an outflow of cash
12. Budgets are a way to control expense and compare the actual performance to the forecast
13. To plan and control their future financial activities 
14. Cash budget, capital budgets and operating budgets

Improve your vocabulary

Page 58

Exercise 1

1. B. financial manager

2. C. budget

3. A. cash budget

4. A. CFO

5. B. budget

Page 58-59

Exercise 2

1. B. the main source of funding
2. H. the act of planning
3. F. hopes
4. K. firm
5. M. assignment
6. L. cost
7. E. role
8. O. segment
9. G. design
10. N. apparatus
11. J. approximate to some value more or less accuracy
12. I. put into practice
13. D. apparatus
14. C. obtainable
15. A. sum of money intended for special purpose

Page 59-60

Exercise 3

1. True

2. False

3. True

4. False

5. True

6. False

7. True

8. False

Exercise 4

Fill in the blanks with noun or verb forms. Use your dictionary if necessary.

 Noun Verb
1. Equipment equip
2. Relation relate
3. Statement sate
4. Preparation prepare
5. Coordination coordinate
6. Information inform
7. Development develop
8. Estimation estimate
9. Combination combine
10. Consideration consider

Page 66-67

Exercise 1

Choose the correct verb in each sentence below.

1. Needs
2. Watch
3. Have
4. Looks
5. Use
6. Was
7. Seems
8. Know
9. Is
10. Causes
Page 66-67

Exercise 2

Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct answer of the following words

1. B. come

2. B. are

3. B. want

4. B. is

5. B. needs

6. A. look

7. A. hopes

8. B. need

9. B. are

10. A. thinks

Grammar: Verb-subject agreement worksheet 1

1. Are 
2. Was
3. Is
4. Has
5. Is
6. Have
7. Were
8. Was
9. Plays and vibrate
10. Does
11. Has
12. Makes and writes

Kamis, 24 Desember 2009

English (5 Paragraph Esay) 11


                Many of the ancient people of Europe marked the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter by celebrating a holiday in late autumn. The most important of these holidays that influence later Halloween customs was Samhain, a holiday observed by the ancient Celts, a tribal people who inhabited most of Western and Central Europe in the first millennium BC. Among the Celts, Samhain marked the end of one year and the beginning of the next. It was one of four Celtic holidays linked to important transition in the annual cycle of seasons.

                Samhain began at sundown on October 31 and extended into the following day. According to the Celtic pagan religion, known as Druidism, the spirits of those who had died in the preceding year roamed the earth on Samhain evening. The Celts sought to earth off these spirits with offerings of food and drink. The Celts also built bonfires at sacred hilltop sites and performed rituals, often involving human and animal sacrifices, to honor Druid deities.

                In Britain, Romans blended local Samhain customs with their own pagan harvest festival honoring Pomona, goddess of fruit trees. Some scholars have suggested that the game of bobbing for apples derives from this Roman association of the holiday with fruit.

                In British folklore, small magician beings known as fairies became associated with Halloween mischief. The jack-o’-lantern, originally carved from a large turnip rather than a pumpkin, originated in medieval Scotland. Various methods of predicting the future, especially concerning matters of romance and marriage, were also prominent features of Halloween throughout the British Isles.

                Between the 15th and 17th centuries, Europe was seized by a hysterical fear of witches, leading to the persecution of thousands of innocent women. Witches were thought to ride flying brooms and to assume the forms of black cats. These images of witches soon joined other European superstitions as symbol of Halloween.


English (Application later) 10

Jl. Saturnus Utara No. 44


Bandung 40614

Phone : (022) 7806631


October 9th 2015


Human Resource Manager

UG Manufacturing Co Pty Ltd

Quiksilver, Inc.

Torquay, VIC 3228 

P.O. Box 138


Dear Sir,




I am replying to an advertisement about your need Personal Manager of your company in Daily Prophet Post on October 8th 2015.


  I am a graduate student in Business Administration at Institute of Management Telkom. I am currently looking for a position as a Personal Manager in your company and have a wide range of responsibilities. I believe I am a good fit for your company. I am a natural person with good communication and organizational skills, leadership, and record keeping. These include have thorough knowledge of lab our law and can conduct good co-operation with the government official and fluent in English, as well as the usual managerial duties.

  I am aware that many regional sales managers do an adequate job for their companies, but I'm ready to do an outstanding job in order to help you grow your company and increase the sales calls made in the Eastern region.

  I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you and discuss my qualification for working at Quicksilver. I believe my training has given me the skills to make a valuable contribution. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Yours sincerely,



Fitria Endah Permata Sari


English (Testimonial) 9




Fitria Endah Permata Sari has been used by the College as a Sales Product Manager from February 2013 until December 2015

Competent and responsibility to handle the overall administration of the department Fitria competent to make financial reports, financial advise neighbors, and responsible in work. Fitria is very competent and professional, always thorough and meticulous. Committed by the administrative ability is balanced with good communication skills.

Fitria has a personality that came out normal. In view of the dedication and ability I am sure that Fitria proved to be a valuable asset to any organization lucky enough to hire him.


Candra Adrian



English (Resume) 8

   Fitria Endah Permata Sari

                             Komp. Bumi Panyileukan B4 No 12, Bandung



Objective     : Personal Manager


Working Experience

1.       Working at Quicksilver Inc.

As  Sales Product Manager period February 2013-December 2015


2.       Working at Bank Prophet

As Teller period January 2012-February 2013


Qualification Experience

1.       Administration Skills accounting

2.       Computer Literate ( Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, Microsoft Publisher)

3.       Internet Literate.


Education Background

2013-2015      : Magister Institute Management Telkom, Bandung

2009-2013        : Institute Management Telkom, Bandung

2006-2009        : 24 Senior High School, Bandung

2003-2006        : 28 Junior High School, Bandung

1997-2003        : 01 Elementary School, Panyileukan- Bandung